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Best diets

What are the best diet fad? It a question I am often asked,.
Unfortunately, I’m not really in favour of fad diets, so it’s a difficult one to answer.
It’s not that I am in principle against all diets.
But if there’s one message I’d like you to take away from my website, Obesity Cures.
No one shot cure .
no better food.

That’s the message I hope you take away from this article.
Your ideal solution for weight loss should be a basket of cures are each selected to meet your needs.
A diet, fad or not, may be one ingredient of that basket.
But one size does not fit all.

However, if you are going to choose a fad diet as part of your weightloss basket, you should at least be aware of the advantages and disadvantages of each.
In this article I outline ll some of the most important categories of food and some of the advantages and disadvantages of each.

High-Fat, Low-Carbohydrate Diets

Millions of Americans have joined the low-carb craze and started high-fat, low-carb diets such as the Atkins Diet and the Zone Diet.
They consist of about 60% fat, 10% carbohydrates, 30% protein.
These fad diets say you can eat high amounts of fat and protein while getting very low amounts of carbohydrates in the form of vegetables.
The main premise of the low-carb diet is a diet low in carbohydrates leads to a reduction of the body’s production of insulin.

The end result is that fat and protein stores will be used for energy.
So full of things you unlimited amounts of meat, cheese and butter, and eat only a small proportion of carbohydrates.

But here’s the catch.
People who start the diet usually lose weight, but it is not permanent weight loss.
Instead of burning fat, they lose water and precious muscle tissue.
In addition, these diets are low in some nutrients and contain large amounts of cholesterol and saturated fats, substances that the risk of heart disease.

Plus, regardless of what they claim, the enormous amounts of protein put a strain on your kidneys.
Not exactly a promising rival for the title of best diets! Moderate Fat Diets Then there are the moderate fat diets.
Moderate fat diets include diets like Weight Watchers, the USDA Food Guide Pyramid, Herbalife and Jenny Craig.
These diets are about 25% fat, 60% carbohydrates, 15% protein produced.
They encourage the intake of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and essential fatty acids found in foods like olive oil and salmon.
These diets are usually balanced diet if you eat a variety of foods from all categories.
For example, Weight Watchers operates on a point system where foods get a number of points based on calorie, fiber, and fat content.
Dieters get a specific number of points you can use for the day.
While it’s not encouraged, they may choose to spend most of their points on carbohydrates instead of balancing it out.
This could lead to deficiencies of nutrients such as calcium, iron and zinc.

Herbalife counters this shortcoming with a range of nutritional shakes and vitamin products.
If correct (and supported by wise addition) followed these diets are probably the most successful for losing weight and keeping it off.
A possible contender for the best fad diets title.
Low-fat diets very low, and finally you have your diet low in fat and very low in fat.
Fad diets in this category include the Dr.
Dean Ornish diet plan Pritkin Others.
They are made up of about 13% fat, 70% carbohydrates, and 16% protein.
These diets are largely vegetarian diet and not recommended to eat lots of meat.
Like the low-carb diets, you can eat unlimited amounts of certain foods.
Why can not eat much meat, these diets are lack of zinc, vitamin B12 and essential fatty acids.

Also, it is so restrictive that people find a hard time staying on it for life and end up gaining their weight back.
So, this is a brief description of some of the main categories of fad diet.
And, yes, you’re right I haven’t told you definitively what I think are the best fad diets.
But please read the above and you’ll see that I shoved in a certain direction.

That’s as far as I’m prepared to go without knowing more a bout your specific circumstances.
This is really something you decide for yourself.
Your needs will be different from others.
While rapid weight loss diets in general inadvisible, maybe there are valid reasons for the need to lose weight quickly.
In which case, maybe a low-carb diet, despite its many disadvantages, is what you need right now.
You can always switch to another program later.

If you are ready to lose Weight Now click here

The choice is yours.

Evaluation of diets

THE POINT SYSTEM 200 with so many diets available, how do we know what works and what is safe? L only way to be sure is to discover in the background , writer, and the research methodology behind the diet.
Every good diet should give a

background about the author and his/her credentials and

experience in the fields of nutrition and biochemistry.
However, it is also a huge back not a credible and safe food.
But it does suggest, at least, that the author has

some knowledge of nutrition.
Provision of research behind the diet proves that food is not something that invented author, unless the research is not self-serving and altered to fit a hypothesis.

Some diets may not need a great deal of tests and studies

behind them, simply because they are based on

For example, many women\#39;s magazines have articles about diet and weight loss, but common sense tips that most people about weight should know already affected: ” ; Eat ” smaller meals ,, “, reducing sugars and fats “, etc..
, are typical philosophies.
More structured diets should propose some scientific reasons for the success, preferably carried out case studies and research on subjects every day, and by athletes.

Since we have established the importance of eating a

balanced diet in accordance to selecting healthy foods and

obtaining RDA minimums, it is possible now to rate the

diets in accordance to those specific criteria.
Start with a score of 200 and subtract 10 points from the total for each of the following statements, which are in the food.
An ideal diet

should maintain a score of 200, but a score of 160 or

greater is acceptable.
The diet does not include the food groups in adequate

Some diets eliminate one or more food groups.
Do not deduct 10 points if a food group’s nutrients

, carbs, proteins, fats, fiber, vitamins, and minerals) are

adequately substituted with that of another food group.
The diet does not provide at least 45% of its calories from

carbohydrate sources.
To prevent ketosis, at least 150 g of glucose per day needed.
That’s 33-50% of total

calorie intake on a 1200-calorie diet.
Remember that the minimum.
For highly active individuals, that amount

should increase to 60% at times, i.
, immediately after

The carbohydrate content exceeds 20% concentrated

At least 80% of the sources of carbohydrates should be complex, and preferably in the form of vegetables, seeds and legumes.

The protein content of over 30%.
A very high protein

intake is unnecessary, it places additional strain on the

urinary system, and it is a poor source of energy.
Thirty percent more than sufficient for the growth of children and young people.
The only group that requires higher protein

intake are those who recently suffered a severe injury (e.

leg amputation), infection, or surgery.
However, these people are under the care of a physician with a special diet high in protein.

The protein content accounts for 15% or less of total calories.

Although unnecessary in large amounts, protein still has

many vital functions, including tissue repair and the

formation of enzymes.
Fats exceed 30% of total intake.
have addition to increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease, high fat diet showed that the weight 39 as other methods of food fall #; appropriate .

The total consumption of fat of less than 15% of total calories.

Fat in moderate amounts is essential for a healthy diet, and

such a diet provides taste to many foods.
Fat intake below 15% for long periods, for most people it is unrealistic.

Fat intake that is too low can also be detrimental to children

and teenagers who require ample kcalories for continued

Total fat consumption is less than 25% essential fatty

acids, and saturated fat is more than 30% of total fat

Minus 10 for each.

The diet does not mean traditional food, that food should be able to get any grocery store or market.

The foods in the diet are expensive or monotonous.

Some diets require the purchase of ‘their’ foods or

expensive ‘organic’ foods only obtained through health food

Some foods taste as bad to endure repeated (and.
, Algae).
Deduct 10 for each.
The diet consists of an inflexible meal plan.
The diet does not allow for substitutions or deviations that a person needs to live arrest with the same choice of food every day.

The diet provides less than 1200 kcal per day.

Less than that and the body’s basic functions may not be

getting the energy, vitamins and minerals needed to work

properly, and the dieter almost is certain to feel hungry all

the time.
Diets under 1,200 calories should be reserved for under the supervision of a licensed doctor or dietitian.

The diet requires taking dietary supplements.
If the diet

provides adequate energy and it is well balanced,

supplements are unnecessary.
Accelerators Grasso, such as ephedrine may, should be able to increase the rate of weight loss, but the food on its own merit as.
Some diet clinics

promote a vast array of herbal preparations and fat

accelerators, and this is where these clinics make their

money – not in their knowledge and ability as nutritionists.
The diet does not recommend a realistic weight goal.
Diets should not be the body of a Greek god or a supermodel.
They should not be suggesting that a person

lose 100 pounds (even if 100 pounds overweight).
Nor should diets recommend weight loss below ideal weight.

The diet recommends or promotes more than 1-2 pounds per week weight loss.
Do not expect to lose more than 1-2

pounds of fat a week – it is physically impossible unless

chronically obese, at which point 3 pounds may be

If more than two pounds lost per week, is the change of the body by a loss of water and / or muscle tissue.

Gimmicks that promise 10 pounds in 2 weeks are either

simply not true or else something other than fat is being

Also, remember that to lose more fat a person, much less still, a person, the more difficult and slow to lose more fat.

The food is not an assessment of dietary habits.

Dieting should be a slow process by which a person

changes normal eating habits.
a person who never would not work with these programs and such diets long term – if not looking for quick solutions and support plans promising short cuts and extreme changes are included.

number of kcalories eaten, and the food selections and their

amounts, should be reevaluated on a regular basis.
perhaps once every 1-2 months to determine the effectiveness of the program.

L regular exercise is not recommended as part of the plan for healthy weight loss.
Weight loss occurs twice as

fast with exercise, and without exercise there is a greater

tendency to lose lean muscle tissue as well as fat.
This is not the ideal.


Low Carbohydrate Diets: Ketosis occurs, and this presents

the same problems as fasting.
Once glycogen stores are spent (as fast with the athletes and those who exercise regularly) to be won, glucose from protein sources, and there is more wear on the kidneys as a result.
Even on a high protein diet, some protein will be

taken from body tissues in order to produce enough energy

for the nervous system and regular activity.
L beginning of ketosis is data show that this process has started and is not a good thing, no matter what fat Authority Pro-.

Great weight loss on a low-carb diet is evident because of

the fact that carbs hold water in the muscles at a ratio of 1:3.
How carbohydrate intake decreases then so also no water retention.

Much water flushes as a result of lack of glycogen to hold

water molecules.
In addition, increased protein intake, excess nitrogen flushes with water even more, since the kidneys use water to dilute the concentration of nitrogen.

Once leaving a low-carb diet and the muscles refill with

glycogen, fluid concentrations increase and the dieter

regains some of the weight.
The low-calorie diet of 400-600 calories, mostly from protein exist u200b u200bhanno the same problems as fasting and low carbohydrate diets: proteins u200b u200b u200b u200bvengono used for energy and weight loss is in the water.
Low-cal diets must

be supervised properly by a medical professional and only

as a last resort for those who cannot seem to lose weight by

other methods.
But people also tend to recover much of their weight back when they return to a balanced diet.

Beverly Hills Diet – a diet consisting of grapefruit, eggs, rice,

and kelp; it is deficient in minerals and vitamins.
Cambridge diet – a very low calorie (300-600 kcal / day), protein u200b u200b / carb mixture with mineral imbalances, diet near fasting.

Complete Scarsdale Diet – this diet is unbalanced

nutritionally; some days are calorically restricted; the dieter

alters portions of carbohydrate, protein, and fat; the diet

consists of low carbs (20-50 g/day), and high fat and

protein; the diet has a high meat (saturated fat and

cholesterol) content.
Atkin’s Diet Revolution – this diet is unbalanced

nutritionally; some days are calorically restricted; the dieter

alters portions of carbohydrate, protein, and fat; carbs are

very low (20-50 g/day), whereas fat and protein are high;

there is high meat (saturated fat and cholesterol)

Linn’s Last Chance Diet – this diet has a very low

kcalorie intake (300-600 kcal/day); it consists of a

protein/carb mixture with a mineral imbalance; the dieter is

close to fasting.
Reuben’s The Save Your Life Diet – this is a calorically

dilute diet consisting of high fiber (30-35g/day); the diet is

low in fat and animal products; there is poor absorption of

minerals because of too much high fiber.
“; ” Fake ; Mayo Diet – this diet consists of grapefruits, eggs, rice and seaweed, but is deficient in minerals and vitamins.

F-Plan Diet – this is a calorically dilute diet consisting of

high fiber (30-35g/day); it is low in fat and animal products;

there is poor absorption of minerals because of too much

La Costa Spa Diet – this diet weight loss of 1 1-pound per day supports, there are different levels of 800, 1,000 and 1,200 kcal / day of 25% protein is, 30% fat (mostly polyunsaturated) and 45% carbohydrates, the food of the four food groups.

Medifast Diet – this diet is balanced nutritionally, but

provides only 900 kcal/day; use of liquid formulas makes

this diet monotonous and expensive.
Nutrimed Diet / Medifast Diet – this is a balanced diet, but provides only 900 kcal / day; l use of liquid formulas makes this diet monotonous and expensive.

Optifast Diet – this diet is nutritionally balanced, but

supplies only 900 kcal/day; use of liquid formulas makes

this diet monotonous and expensive.
Pritikin Permanent Weight-Loss Diet – this diet is nutritionally unbalanced and some days are limited caloric, Dieter parts of carbohydrate, protein is u200b changed u200be fat diet of proteins u200b (100 g u200b / day) unless the foods properly chosen, may lower vitamin B12.

Prudent Diet – this is a balanced, low kcalorie (2400

kcal/day) diet for men; it is low in cholesterol and saturated

fats; a maximum of 20-35% calories are derived from fat

with an emphasis on protein, carbohydrates, and salt; there

is ample consumption of fish and shellfish, and saturated

fats are substituted with polyunsaturated fats.
Quick Weight Loss Diet – this diet is nutritionally balanced, some days are calorically restricted, Dieter alters portions of carbohydrate, protein u200b u200be fat, even if c carbohydrate is low (20-50 g / day) and high in fat and protein, there are high consumption of meat (saturated fat and cholesterol) with this diet.

San Francisco Diet – this diet begins at 500 kcal/day,

consisting of two meals per day of one fruit, one vegetable,

one slice of bread, and two meat exchanges; the second

week limits carbohydrates, with most food coming from the

meat group and with some eggs and cheese, and a few

vegetables; week three includes fruit; in week four there is

an increase in vegetables; week five the dieter add

fat-containing foods (e.
, nuts, avocados); week six

includes milk; week seven includes pastas and bread,

where the diet is maintained at about 1300 kcal/day; this

diet avoids the issue of saturated fats and cholesterol.
Slendernow diet – this diet is nutritionally balanced, some days are calorically restricted, Dieter alters portions of carbohydrate, protein u200b u200be fat, protein u200b u200bè generally high (100 g / day), it was because that food is properly chosen, a lack of vitamin B12.

Weight-Watchers Diet – this diet is balanced nutritionally, at

about 1000-1200 kcal; use of high nutrient-dense foods are

consumed; economic and palatable food makes it one of

the most successful diets with no real health risks.
Wine Diet – this diet is about 1200 kcal / day, for 28 meal with a glass of dry table wine dinners, in addition to components of medicinal wine, it is believed that individuals reduce portion sizes when wine consumed with a meal, diet that little cholesterol and saturated fatty acids, c is a focus on fish, poultry and veal with moderate amounts of red meat.

Yogurt Diet – this diet consists of two versions, being

900-1000 kcal/day, and 1200-1500 kcal/day; plain low-fat

yogurt is the main dairy dish, consumed at breakfast, lunch,

and as a bedtime snack; the diet is high in protein, and it is

low in cholesterol, saturated fat, and refined carbohydrates.
Diets that are not 100% of U.
RDA of 13 vitamins and minerals: Beverly Hills Atkins Carbohydrate Craver of Craver, the dense carbohydrate California (1200 kcal), California (2000 kcal) FI Piano Love America I Love New York Pritikin (700 kcal) Pritikin (1200 kcal) Richard Simmons Scarsdale Stillman.



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A lot of people want to lose fat around the stomach.

Unfortunately, they try to use things such as the following:

Have many crunches 2.
Fad diets

Infomercial exercise equipment 4.
Doing lots of same speed cardio for long periods of time

Now, why are these things not very conducive to someone’s effort to lose fat around their stomach?

The answer is simple, none of these things are a long term solution to decrease the number of calories you take in or help to raise your metabolism.
Thats right, the real key to losing fat around the stomach: 1.
Decrease the number of calories you take in.
Increase your active and resting metabolism.
A lot of people try to do a lot to lose belly fat crunches.
Unfortunately, doing lots of crunches doesn’t help to reduce fat in that specific area.
If you lose fat, you will lose it in the same ratio in your whole body! Let a look at two ways we have just spoken to help you lose fat around the stomach.

Reduce the number of calories you in.

This is absolutely crucial to understand if you really want to lose fat around your stomach.
If your daily diet does not change, does not change the body or.

If you decrease how much you eat overall and focus replacing the bad foods with the right ones, you can start to lose fat around your stomach and other places without starting to exercise!

A great tip to keep in mind when trying to lose fat is to avoid bad carbs.
Bad carbohydrates stored as fat because they increase the level of sugar in the blood.
Then, your body releases more insulin to store the excess blood sugar as fat.
Increase your active and resting metabolism.
This is done with year, primarily from a combination of strength training and interval training.

Strength training adds muscle.
Muscle mass burns more calories then added, while it is active and at rest.
So, if you want to lose fat around your stomach and all over your body, strength train!

Interval training consists of going back and forth between high and low intensities.
For example, try warming up for 5 minutes on the bike, then drive slowly for 2 minutes and then rapidly for 1 minute.
Repeat this 2-1 minute cycle 3-6 times and you have a great interval training set to help you lose stomach fat!

So if you want to lose fat around your stomach, you want to concentrate on combining a great diet that has less overall calories than you are used to.
Of course, you want to avoid ” in the ; bad carbohydrates ” so.
Then, combine strength training and interval training 3-4 times per week.
You can lose the stomach and the body fat when you make these things well.

So stay away from the fad diets and the infomercial gimmicks.
The best way to lose fat is around the belly of nutrition, strength training and interval training! Remember that your safety is most important so that you do with a physician before beginning any exercise program check.

Good luck, stay persistent, and know that you can be successful!

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